Virtual Reality Education World
VREW contains a wide range of VR training and education simulations developed alongside professional content providers with pedagogical expertise.
A meeting place where you can chat with members of your organization and/or with other users.Progress metrics
You can create via cloud a user list for your workers or students to have personalized progress and feedback.Customization
If you purchase enough yearly subscriptions, we can modify the experience for you and create more content according to your needs.Headset rental
Virtual Dawn offers a VR Device (pico neo series) Rental Service for your convenience, satisfaction and enjoyment. Our VR Device Rental Service includes automatic over the air software updates and upgrades for your devices’ VREW subscription.Languages
We can co-create the translations and different languages are not an issue.Partner Worlds
You can use our Partner Worlds simulations in VREW for a separate cost (also available standalone).Frequent updates
VREW is actively updated with new features and simulations such as:A Virtual Presentation and Seminar Auditorium, coming 2021.